Are you ready to take your memory to the next level? Meet the PAO memory system, a powerful technique that has been used by memory athletes worldwide to achieve extraordinary feats of recall. PAO stands for Person-Action-Object and it’s a powerful method that utilizes the natural human ability to remember people, actions and objects, to help commit information to memory. Whether you are a student looking to improve your study habits, a professional wanting to boost your productivity, or an aspiring memory athlete, the PAO system is a must-have tool in your arsenal. This powerful technique can help you to remember anything from names and faces, to shopping lists and appointments. Let’s dive into the world of PAO and unlock the full potential of your memory.
Upgrading to a PAO System
I used to rely solely on the Major System to remember numbers and playing cards. While the Major System is a useful tool on its own, I realized that it wouldn’t be sufficient for competing in memory competitions.
However, as I developed my use of the PAO memory system, I incorporated elements of the Major System to make it even more effective. By including the Major System, I can use the consonant sounds as a clue when I am struggling to recall information.
For example, if I were to stumble upon the number 04, I know that the person, action, and object associated with it will all have the sounds “s” and “n.” With this information, I may be able to deduce that the image is Isaac Newton sneezing on a sandwich.
Why use a PAO System?
It’s true that the PAO memory system does require some initial effort to set up and master. However, once it is learned, the benefits are well worth the investment. The way that information is condensed into a single scene can turn multiple digits into one memorable image.
For example, by using my PAO chart, the number 713904 becomes a vivid image of Catwoman mopping a sarcophagus. When combined with the use of a Memory Palace, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool for memorization. So, while there may be more work upfront, it’s a technique that can give you a significant head start in remembering information.
How the PAO System Works
I will be using a two-digit PAO system, meaning that every set of digits from 00 to 99 has a person, action, and object attached to it. When we read off a number, such as 713904, we first break it down into a series of two-digit numbers, in this case: 71-39-04. The first two digits correspond to the person, the second two to the action, and the last two to the object.
As an example, if you refer to the chart below, you will see that 71 is associated with Catwoman, cutting, and cat. In this case, we only need the person, Catwoman, from this selection. Similarly, 39 is associated with Miss Piggy, mopping, and map. Since it is the second set of digits, we need the action, mopping. Lastly, 04 is associated with Salman Rushdie, serenading, and sarcophagus. Since it is the final set of digits, we will take the object, sarcophagus.
It’s essential to visualize these vignettes as vividly as possible and to place the story inside a Memory Palace, which is another technique that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of the PAO system.
I have posted my PAO chart below as a starting point, and I may make some changes as I work through the system. I’m also creating flashcards for each of the PAOs, and I will update this article when they are ready.
Enjoy exploring this powerful memory technique!

Number | Person | Action | Object |
00 | Sylvester Stalone | sassing | sausages |
01 | Steven Tyler | strangling | stork |
02 | Isaac Newton | sneezing | sandwich |
03 | Superman | smoking | sea monster |
04 | Salman Rushdie | serenading | sarcophagus |
05 | Shia Labeouf | saluting | salamander |
06 | Swedish Chef | shooting | shark |
07 | Simon Cowell | sucking | squirrel |
08 | Sigmund Freud | sifting | saffron |
09 | Scotty Pippen | sipping | spiders |
10 | Tony Soprano | tazing | toaster |
11 | Tony Tiger | tightening | tits |
12 | Trevor Noah | tuning | tuna |
13 | Toni Morrison | tempting | tomato |
14 | Tony Robbins | tracing | tree |
15 | Tommy Lee | tilting | television |
16 | Tommy Chong | teaching | t-shirt |
17 | Tia Carrera | tickling | taco |
18 | Tina Fey | transferring | taffy |
19 | Tom Petty | tapping | table |
20 | Nastradamus | nesting | nest |
21 | Nikola Tesla | notarizing | nuts |
22 | Nick Nolte | nagging | nanobots |
23 | Nelson Mandela | numbing | namplates |
24 | Nancy Reagan | nursing | nurse |
25 | Neil Armstrong | nailing | Nile |
26 | Noam Chomsky | navigating | nachos |
27 | Nick Kroll | nicking | necks |
28 | Ned Flanders | neighing | Newfies |
29 | Natalie Portman | napping | North Pole |
30 | Marge Simpson | moistening | music |
31 | Mr. T | mottling | meat |
32 | Minnie (Mouse) | mangling | moon |
33 | Marvin the Martian | miming | muumuu |
34 | Mr. Rogers | marking | mermaid |
35 | Mario Lemeux | milking | melon |
36 | Macho (Man) | mashing | mushroom |
37 | Mark Cuban | making | macaroni |
38 | Morgan Freeman | moving (*too close to transferring?) | muffin |
39 | Miss Piggy | mopping | map |
40 | Richard Simmons | racing | raisins |
41 | Raymond Holt | rattling | rutabega |
42 | Richard Nixon | ransacking | rainbow |
43 | Ralph Machio | remembering | ram |
44 | Road Runner | reading | railroad |
45 | Rob Lowe | rolling | (bread) roll |
46 | Richard Branson | recharging | radish |
47 | Russell Crowe | rocking | raccoon |
48 | Roger Federer | refusing | ruffians |
49 | Russell Peters | rapping | raven |
50 | Lisa Simpson | listening | lizard |
51 | Leon Trotsky | litigating | litter |
52 | Link (Zelda) | lunging | Lincoln |
53 | Lightning McQueen | lamenting | lama |
54 | Leia Organa | lording | lure |
55 | Louis L'Amour | laying | lollipop |
56 | Lon Chaney | latching | leech |
57 | Lara Croft | licking | lockbox |
58 | Laurence Fishburne | laughing | leaf |
59 | Louis Prima | leaping | leopard |
60 | Charlie Sheen | chest compressions | cheese |
61 | Chris Tucker | shitting | shingles |
62 | Chuck Norris | chunking | chainsaw |
63 | Charles Manson | shimmying | chum |
64 | Cher | cheering | Christmas tree |
65 | Charles Lucky Luciano | shouldering | challis |
66 | Chester Cheetah | cha-cha-ing | chakra (floating eye) |
67 | Chaka Khan | shaking | cheque |
68 | Chris Farley | shuffling | chef |
69 | Charlie Chaplin | shaping | chaps |
70 | Casper | kissing | chrysanthemums |
71 | Catwoman | cutting | cat |
72 | Candy, John | canjuring | candy cane |
73 | Karl Marx | cumming | camel |
74 | Keanu Reeves | carrying | crab |
75 | Kenny Loggins | killing | coyote |
76 | Carol Channing | crushing | ketchup |
77 | Captain Caveman | kicking | Kitkat |
78 | Kung Fu Panda | coughing | knife |
79 | Kirby | keeping | cape |
80 | Frank Sinatra | fisting | fossil |
81 | Father Time | fighting | fetus |
82 | Fiona (from Shrek) | fainting | fawn |
83 | Freddie Mercury | fumigating | foam |
84 | Franklin Roosevelt | farting | ferret |
85 | The Flash | filming | flamingo |
86 | Frederick Chopin | fishing | fish |
87 | Fidel Castro | fucking | ficus |
88 | Fred Flinstone | offending | fife |
89 | Fabio | fabricating | fiberboard |
90 | Patrick Star | passing | pussy |
91 | Pete Townsend | petting | patella |
92 | Pam Anderson | painting | penus |
93 | Pac Man | pumping | pumpkin |
94 | Professor X | piercing | parrot |
95 | (Emperor) Palpatine | peeling | pelican |
96 | Prince Charming | pushing | pachyderm |
97 | Penelope Cruz | packing | pike |
98 | PT Barnum | peeing | pufferfish |
99 | Papyrus | peeping | puppeteer |
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