The Case of the Lost Mitten

Lost Mitten

About five years ago my mother sent up a tub full of stuff from when I was a kid.  The tub sat in my garage until recently, when I came across it again and finally started sorting through it.  In this tub was a book of things that I wrote in grade one.

I can’t promise that they will be well written.  But then again, I can’t always promise that of my current writing either.

I’d also like to point out that my use of periods is pretty amazing.  I now possess that ability with commas.  Pesky friggin’ commas.


Lost Mitten Article

Dylan Callens

About the Author...

Dylan Callens is a writer and educator living in Sudbury, Ontario. 

His debut novel, Operation Cosmic Teapot, was a resounding success. Since then, Dylan has written a number of other books, including the upcoming series, The Haber Effect