Why Is it Hilarious to Take a Midas Shower?

Midas Shower

Although this is just a very, very small thing in Juju for the New You, I find it one of the most hilarious things in the book. Here is the segment:

Midas Shower Oil

This oil can be used in all matters pertaining to money and prosperity. Anytime you need a few bucks, just pour it over your head.

  • 1 oz olive oil
  • 1 oz myrrh
  • 10 oz urine

And that’s it. If you get the joke, I think you’ll find it hilarious. If you don’t, you need to figure out a) who Midas is and b) what a Golden shower is. If you’re still unable to put it together, you may need to ask someone in the know.

The point is, I love jokes like this. Juju contains several short recipes like this for all of us to enjoy. There are plenty of other things in it too, but my favorite passages are the shorts ones like this.

Juju for the New You

Forget all the new-age nonsense from the past. Everything that you need to change your life is inside this book!

Juju for the New You is hardly BS at all.

Need money? No problem. In Juju, you’ll learn astral projection for robbing banks. Unlucky in love? Juju shows you the correct method for trapping that special someone. Dislike your life? Find out how to exploit your infinite space baby – enter the quantum realm and alter your reality.

Dylan Callens

About the Author...

Dylan Callens is a writer and educator living in Sudbury, Ontario. 

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